Sobre Nosaltres pels Estudiants
Aquí estem E D U F I N D M E. A E D U F I N D M E , el nostre equip està format per estudiants d'intercanvi que han experimentat, en primera mà, el desig d'expandir els seus horitzons personals i educatius mé enllà de les fronteres. També sabem que, a vegades, pot aclaparar el procés d'esbrinar com i on fer-ho.
Per aquest motiu hem creat EDUFINDME.
Amb E D U F I N D M E , we eliminate the guesswork that comes with trying to figure out which locations, schools and programs are available and would best suit you. Instead of pounding out Google searches for hours (think "economics+South Pacific+summer"), simply enter your information, goals and preferences one time on our site and let it work its magic of returning results from institutions you may have never even known existed. Not only do we provide you with the tools to see what programs are available and how to make them financially realistic (can you say $cholarship$?) but we bring the schools to you.
Your E D U F I N D M E profile allows you to:
- Make your profile visible to schools from all over the world, looking to recruit talented individuals, such as yourself
- Become "fans" of the schools you are interested in and connect directly with admissions offices and "experts" (current/former students) so you can ask the questions and find the info that's most important to you
- Follow a school's day-by-day updates to really get a feel for what they are all about
- Be notified about schools that are scouting you out as well as scholarships that you qualify for
- Let E D U F I N D M E keep you organized throughout all your searches
As you consider embarking upon your great adventure abroad, let E D U F I N D M E help you take control of the process. Your talent deserves to be recognized, so go ahead - strut your stuff.